سبک - جداول
# |
فامیلی |
نام |
نام کاربری |
1 |
Mark |
Otto |
@mdo |
2 |
Jacob |
Thornton |
@fat |
3 |
Larry |
the Bird |
@twitter |
کلاس های اختیاری
# |
فامیلی |
کاربری |
نام |
1 |
Mark |
Otto |
@mdo |
2 |
Jacob |
Thornton |
@fat |
3 |
Larry |
the Bird |
@twitter |
حاشیه جدول
# |
First Name |
Last Name |
Username |
1 |
Mark |
Otto |
@mdo |
Mark |
Otto |
@TwBootstrap |
2 |
Jacob |
Thornton |
@fat |
3 |
Larry the Bird |
@twitter |
# |
First Name |
Last Name |
Username |
1 |
Mark |
Otto |
@mdo |
2 |
Jacob |
Thornton |
@fat |
3 |
Larry the Bird |
@twitter |
Makes tables more compact by cutting cell padding in half.
# |
First Name |
Last Name |
Username |
1 |
Mark |
Otto |
@mdo |
2 |
Jacob |
Thornton |
@fat |
3 |
Larry the Bird |
@twitter |
Optional row classes
Use contextual classes to color table rows.
Class |
Description |
.success |
Indicates a successful or positive action. |
.error |
Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action. |
.warning |
Indicates a warning that might need attention. |
.info |
Used as an alternative to the default styles. |
# |
Product |
Payment Taken |
Status |
1 |
TB - Monthly |
01/04/2012 |
Approved |
2 |
TB - Monthly |
02/04/2012 |
Declined |
3 |
TB - Monthly |
03/04/2012 |
Pending |
4 |
TB - Monthly |
04/04/2012 |
Call in to confirm |
<tr class="success">
<td>TB - Monthly</td>
Supported table markup
List of supported table HTML elements and how they should be used.
Tag |
Description |
<table> |
Wrapping element for displaying data in a tabular format |
<thead> |
Container element for table header rows (<tr> ) to label table columns |
<tbody> |
Container element for table rows (<tr> ) in the body of the table |
<tr> |
Container element for a set of table cells (<td> or <th> ) that appears on a single row |
<td> |
Default table cell |
<th> |
Special table cell for column (or row, depending on scope and placement) labelsMust be used within a <thead> |
<caption> |
Description or summary of what the table holds, especially useful for screen readers |